Stephanie (Founder)
Stephanie is a Reiki practitioner, Certified Equine assisted therapy coach, and a certified massage therapist. With 50 years of horse experience her passion lies with the horses and how they assist in our healing.
My journey with horses began at the age of 10 when I got my first horse, which allowed my free spirit and enormous sense of adventure to flourish.
My horses carried me through my High school years, but at the age of 23 the stresses of life caught up with me.
I began suffering from paralyzing panic attacks. I knew something needed to change I needed a healthier life style and my parents offered traditional therapy. These sessions did not help me, it felt unnatural for me to sit in an office and talk about my problems.
Fortunately I was able to get my horse back who we had given away ( Chequa) Having her back in my life began the healing process which I didn’t even realize at the time. I only knew I was beginning to feel more like myself.
I made the decision to go back to school and become a professional horse trainer. Best decision I ever made. As the years went by I got married and opened a health club with my husband which was a great success, we had a daughter, but alas it ended in divorce.
I have to say my daughter’s dad and his girlfriend we all get along incredibly well, we do birthdays, holidays and many other events together.
It took us a bit to get there, but we have done it and it’s so much healthier.